

.extra_headers: Union[Dict[str, str], None]
.date: Union[str, None] = None
.content_length: Union[int, None]
.content_type: str
.content_data: Union[str, bytes]
.status: int
.message: str
.server: str
.package() -> bytes

extra_headers - additional headers, except Date, Server, Content-Type, Content-Length, Connection.

content_length - length of a data.

date - value for Date http header. By default is current datetime.

content_type - value for Content-Type header, like text/html or application/json.

content_data - data that swag send in the body of the server response.

status - http response status, like 200 or 500. By default is 200

message - http message for client, like "Not Found", "OK", "Continue".

server - value for Server http header. By default is "SwagServer"

package() - method that return bytes to be send over the socket.

A class that should always be returned from the endpoint. Any endpoint must return this class, or to be more precise, BaseResponse with a specific package method that returns bytes.